Stay up to date with the life of Bridgetown Church
Welcome to Bridgetown
Are you new to Bridgetown? You’re invited an informal 45 minute class to learn more about Bridgetown Church and what we're all about. During this time, we'll cover Bridgetown's mission, vision and values, how to get plugged in, and have time to get to know a few staff members and other folks who are new to our community. We will be hosting this class every other month on the fourth Sunday. We look forward to meeting you there!
Dates: Sundays, Mar 23, May 25, Jul 27
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Bridgetown Church (2120 NE Tillamook St, Portland)
Pre-Gathering Prayer
Before our Sunday gatherings, we take the time to pray and listen to the Spirit for how he would like to encounter people in each gathering. In order to provide more time before the Sunday gatherings begin, we are moving our pre-gathering prayer times to 8 AM for the morning gatherings on the Eastside, and 4 PM for our evening gathering downtown.
Date: Sundays
Times: 8 AM & 4 PM
Locations: Bridgetown Church (2120 NE Tillamook St, Portland)
Subscribe to the Justice Newsletter
Stay up to date with our justice partners, justice events, prayer requests, opportunities to serve, and more by subscribing to our bi-monthly Justice Newsletter.
Wednesday 3 AM Prayer
Gather with us every Wednesday at 3 AM during our Winter Prayer Room for special hours of prayer during the watch hours of the night—we wait on the Lord as we wait for the morning. Artists are encouraged to bring supplies to create during this time. Hosted by one of our Elders, Peter Quint.
Date: Weds, Jan 29 - Mar 5
Time: 3 AM
Location: Bridgetown Church Prayer Room (2120 NE Tillamook St, Portland, OR)
Discipleship Pathway
The journey of discipleship is not linear, it’s cyclical. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to following Jesus. This pathway is simply a way of finding yourself within this house we call Bridgetown Church and an invitation to move deeper into our family. Move at your pace, in the way that matches your journey, and in the timing that fits your limits. You are welcome here.
Daily Prayer Rhythm
We are calling the Bridgetown Church family to a Daily Prayer Rhythm, morning, midday, and evening. The Daily Prayer Rhythm is a tool to revive the common prayer rhythm of early church prayer in the modern era. We order our days by communion with God in prayer for the sake of the intimacy and power that flows from rebellious fidelity to Jesus. Learn more about each rhythm.
Share What God Is Doing
We believe God is always moving and at work in our lives. God is not a distant being, but a person to know and experience. As a church family, we want to hear about what God is doing in your life. Share your story with us.
Morning Prayer & Worship
Gather with us for open hours of prayer and worship every Tuesday and Thursday morning as part of our Fall 24-7 Prayer Room. No registration required.
Date: Every Tues & Thurs, Oct 1 - Nov 7
Time: 8 - 9 AM
Location: Bridgetown Church Prayer Room (2120 NE Tillamook St, Portland, OR)
Bread 2025 Devotional Now Available
We believe daily Scripture reading is an essential practice for followers of Jesus, learning from Jesus and putting his word into practice. Bread is a daily reading & journaling guide for our church to help us do just that. Copies are available in-person at the Bookstore for $15 each. We hope that you will pick up a copy and read along with us in 2025!
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the Bridgetown Weekly
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